TO ALL Junior Team Coaches/Managers
As you may be aware there has recently been a new Management Committee elected to run BBI. One of the major platforms of the new management team is to review and improve the quality and running of the junior competitions.
To this end we met with the other Club Delegates to review the team nominations for each and every junior division and to decide on how best to progress the upcoming Championship season.
Some of the agreed recommendations were:
1 Ensure every division has a minimum of at least 5 teams whenever sufficient nominations allow
2 Season fixtures to ensure as many complete rounds of competition as is possible (i.e. no games for double or no points unless stated at the beginning of the season).
3 Finals to be based on a two week period with Week One being 1st vs 4th and 2nd vs 3rd with the two winners playing off in the Grand Final.
To best accommodate the first point, it has been decided wherever a division has more than 10 teams nominated that this division will be split into two sub divisions, possibly being referred to as Caps and Metz. We have endeavoured to split our team nominations across the various age groups for both Boys and Girls to support this concept.
An initial Championship Draw will be put out for the first two weeks of the season to allow for any obvious imbalances to be addressed, after this a FINAL draw will be circulated for the remainder of the entire Championship season. The only changes allowed after this time will be if teams withdraw from the competition.
We ask that you take on board the above and assist us to provide valuable feedback if there is an obvious flaw in the workings of the competition to which your team has been placed. However, please note that your feedback can only be actioned if it is received NO LATER THAN Sunday at the expiration of the second round of the Championship season.
In closing can I also advise that West Brisbane has entered a total of 38 teams in the Championship season, this is easily the largest number from any Club, but unfortunately, this has brought with it a situation in some age groups whereby we could have as many as 3 teams in a 5 team competition. This is not desirable however it is something that we cannot control in any way.
We are working closely with the new BBI Committee and we value your contributions to the success of our Club and would welcome any suggestions you may have to further improve the quality of the BBI competitions we are part of. All feedback can be sent via our website and we will do our upmost to present it to BBI for consideration.
Regards to All and I wish everyone a successful and enjoyable Championship season.
Mal McGreachan (Club President)