Published Date: 26/04/2011
Championship Season Training commences the week beginning Monday May 02 for all teams. The training schedule is on the Falcons website.
The Falcons teams for the Championship Season are now on the Falcons website. There has been a change in division and/or colour for some teams so please check the teams carefully so that you look for the right team on the draw.
As soon as we have the draw from BBI we will post it on the Falcons website and send it to the coaches/team managers.
Any player who is not registered with both West Brisbane and Brisbane Basketball will not be allowed to play until both registrations are paid. Please give your team manager your BBI Registration Number.
Any player without Falcons shorts won’t be allowed on the court in the Championship Season as the team will receive a penalty for each player not in the correct falcons uniform. Our next delivery from Hoop2Hoop is Friday May 06 and we will distribute all shorts that we receive at the first game. Orders must be in by this Friday April 29 otherwise the shorts won’t be in the next delivery.
All communication to do with an issue you may have with BBI or the team’s points aren’t correct on the BBI website etc… is to be sent to our club email address so we can take it up with BBI. This is a directive from BBI which we must follow.
If at any time you have an issue with something to do with the club, a coach, another parent or something that you need addressed please send an email to the club and it will be acted on accordingly. The earlier we know about an issue the quicker we can do something about it.
Also, please make yourself aware of the Codes of Behaviour that are listed on the Falcons website under “Club Information”. West Brisbane prides itself on good sportsmanship through our parents & players towards the opposition we play each week as well as being supportive of each Falcons player within our teams.
I wish everyone a fun & enjoyable Championship Season with Falcons and look forward to seeing our Falcons players doing the club proud each week on the court.
Daryl Miller
West Brisbane Falcons Basketball Club