Published Date: 11/09/2012
Please check the Player Nomination List carefully (attached below) to make sure we have your child’s nomination and also which age group they have been placed. Document is 3 pages so please check the pages for the correct age group.
Please remember the U16s & U18s play on Friday Nights.
The list also shows how many spots are remaining in each age group.
Training schedule will be posted on the website once it is completed.
If you have any concerns please email the club at
We also still need coaches for the Summer Season teams. The training will be conducted by a Lead Coach in each Gender Age Group and all players train together for their age group.
So all we need are coaches to take the teams on a Friday Night/Saturday at the games. Obviously assisting at training would be greatly appreciated and it is a great way for coaches to learn a bit more about coaching without actually having to run a training session yourself.
If you can help out please let us know by emailing