Published Date: 16/06/2015
A tragedy occurred in Westlake last night which involves one of our Falcons families. Our prayers and condolences are with the family and we would like the families in the Falcons Nest to help out if possible.
Below are details about where to make donations and also a link to another facebook site that is posting details about how you can help.
Attention: Donations for Hilliup St
Please find collated drop off points for donations outlined below:
Cash, Toiletries, personal items and clothing:
Office of Councillor Matthew Bourke Shop 146A Mount Ommaney Centre, 171 Dandenong Road, Mount Ommaney QLD, 4074. We are still finding out exact clothing sizes, however the girls are tall and aged 10 and 13. I’d suggest size 12 for mum.
Larger household items, furniture, white goods etc:
Storage Choice
50 Spine St, Summer Park
A separate bank for donations is being set up and information will provided once complete.
Many thanks again.
Household items will be greatly received, however please hold off from leaving these until more information from the family is provided. Many thanks for your help.