Published Date: 15/04/2014
Congratulations to our Bronze Medal Winning Falcons U16 Boys players who were involved in the recent U16 Boys State Championships @ Auchenflower as part of the Brisbane Capitals teams.
The Brisbane Capitals Gold team won the Bronze medal in Division 1 placing them 3rd in the State. Linus Chin from our West Brisbane Falcons U16 Boys Div 1 team was a member of this team.
The Brisbane Capitals Silver team won the Bronze medal in Division 2 placing them 11th in the State. Jayke Marks, Ben Gardener & Joshua Leaney from our West Brisbane Falcons U16 Boys Div 1 team were members of this team.
Well Done to Linus, Jayke, Ben & Joshua on their success at the recent U16 Boys State Championships @ Auchenflower.
Last Modified on 15/04/2014 14:38